Bifrost Brother at Arca Noctis

Early Viking culture had a long and difficult history with LGBTQ+ individuals. Despite mythical elements that would suggest otherwise — Loki’s sexuality and gender fluidity are canon in Viking myths — the Queer community was an invisible part of the ancient North.

Times have changed. Scandinavian countries now lead the way in promoting gender and sexual identity rights. In fact, Norway was one of the first countries to introduce anti-discrimination legislation with gender-neutral marriage rules in place since 2009.

The Brotherhood

The idea of the Bifröst Brotherhood came about after a dinner among friends. We imagined a community for Queer Vikings, their loved ones, and supporters. At the moment, it is just that, an idea.

Over the coming year, we will be building upon what we discussed. We don’t yet know what the final result will be, but we remain excited about the possibilities. If you are interested in being part of the conversation, drop us a line. We’d like to hear your thoughts.

Bifrost Resources

In the interim, we have pulled together a few of our favorite Queer-forward designs and resources. Take a look and let us know if there’s something you’d like that you don’t yet see.

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