How are my items shipped?
We typically ship twice a week, more during rush or holiday seasons. Each item comes carefully packaged to help ensure safe travels. If you have any questions about shipping rates, methods, etc., please visit our Shipping & Returns page.
Can you help me track my item?
When your item ships, you should receive an email from Arca Noctis with complete tracking information. If your item hasn’t shown up on the intended date, give it an extra day or two. Sometimes the Post Office takes a little longer than hoped. If it’s still missing after a few more days, we can work with you to track it down. Just drop us a line.
What if my item doesn’t fit or if it’s not quite right?
We want to make sure that you are 100% happy with everything you find at Arca Noctis. If you’re not, jump over to our Shipping & Returns page for more information.
Can I pick my item up in the Orlando area?
You certainly can. If you’d like to pick up item in person, just send us a message and let me know. We will work with you to find the right time and place for pick up. We will also be happy to refund your shipping costs. In some cases, we may be able to offer no-cost delivery within a few miles of our shop for specific items.
What if I have odd or unusual stuff I want to sell?
We seriously LOVE to buy vintage and antiques of all kinds. Medical equipment, stereoscopy, fraternal societies, magazines, games, books, pop culture, ephemera and more — we would love to see what you have. Reach out to us today, and we’ll be in touch ASAP.