Your Arca Noctis digital archive is ready to download. If you would like to explore dozens of other archives on a variety of subjects, be sure to visit the Arca Noctis Bazaar online.
To download your digital library, simply click the download link below. A confirmation window will pop up where you can enter the password provided you on the card or token you received. Click “SUBMIT.” Once the digital archive has finished downloading, unzip the file with your favorite unarchiver application, and you should see the folder of files pop up. Your collection of rare titles is found within.
Arca Noctis files are presented in PDF (for books and documents) or JPG (for images and graphics) formats. The PDF files can easily be read or printed from the industry-standard Adobe Reader, Mac’s Preview or similar program. The JPG files can be accessed from nearly any image manager, including Windows’ Photo Viewer, Mac’s Preview, Microsoft Word or even your web browser. In most cases, simply double-click the file to launch the correct program.